the in_Visibility project


An invitation to any woman who desires to be seen

An exciting project that will culminate in a public exhibition - a celebration of the beauty, strength and resilience of women being their true selves.

To get a glimpse of their real beauty and power.

Unadulterated by social media.

Un-filtered by the 'male gaze'.

Unaltered to comply with any imposed beauty standard.

These fine art images represent the female body in a genuine authentic way.

Showing it's beauty and it's power.

Showing YOUR beauty and YOUR power.

We will show the world how beautiful you are.

And when you see the images, you may start to believe it too. 

Show the world who you really are.


Do you ever feel like you have lost touch with yourself?

Does it sometimes feel like you are living your life by someone else's rules?

Because maybe somewhere along the way you forgot your own Self.

As women over a certain age we can begin to feel less than.

Less beautiful, less important, less relevant.

It is as if we start to become invisible.

It's difficult not to be affected by the skewed beauty standards that are fed to us constantly by our patriarchal society.

I am inviting you to reclaim your body and your Self. To be photographed and seen in a way that celebrates your raw natural beauty, as it is.

Not some highly retouched version of what someone else thinks we should look like but instead a beautiful authentic portrait that celebrates and redefines what beauty really is.

We can get lost a little as we get older. As our lives become full of others and their needs. We start to feel less visible in a world that only admires the very young. A world that promotes only small bodies as attractive bodies. A world that dismisses strong, loud and powerful women as something not quite right.

Take a moment to think back to a time in your life before you became aware of beauty "standards" - before you were limited by societies expectations. Before you were told who you should be and how you should look. Perhaps you are eight, or six or even as young as four? Do you remember your body then? How proud you were of your strong legs that could run fast. How your belly was just that - YOUR belly. No judgements. No negative thoughts about its shape or size. A time when you just existed, in the present moment. Full of vitality, love, strength, power and possibility.

Remember her?

That's what this experience is about. It is about bringing that girl back. I want you to reclaim her, to remember and honour your true self. And I want us to show her to the world. Because that is the only way we can reclaim our true selves and our bodies from the twisted beauty standards that exist and that keep us quiet.

What I am offering is a photoshoot where we honour the true you and show the world how beautiful and special you are - the REAL you.

Warning: this is NOT a glamour shoot where we style your hair and do your makeup, there is no dressing you up in flouncy dresses or putting you into 'sexy' underwear. This is NOT about turning you into someone else's idea of what a woman should look like.

This is about showing you that you are already beautiful.

Read on to find out more!


  1. I've got you: I will guide you through every step of the process from preparation for the photo session, what to wear, and whether or not you would like to pose fully clothed, semi-nude or nude. During the session, I use a trauma-informed approach to guide you in posing. After the session, we select your photo for the exhibition!
  2. Leave our time together feeling strong, vital, confident and SEEN!
  3. Be seen! One image from our session together will be included in a public exhibition!


PRE-SESSION PREPARATION: We will schedule a video call to have a quick chat to help you get to know me a bit better and you can ask me any questions! I will send you my questionnaire and session guide to help you prepare for our session together.

THE PHOTO-SESSION ITSELF: When you arrive at the studio we will have a coffee and chat before we begin. We always start the session with you fully clothed and only proceed to unclothed poses as previously discussed and agreed upon and then only when or even if you are comfortable! There is NO pressure to be nude for these sessions. This experience is fully tailored to YOUR needs and desires. I will guide you fully with poses so you never have to worry about what to do!

EDITING: You should know that I do not use photoshop unless it is to remove temporary blemishes (my rule is that I only take away something that won't be there in two weeks time). I do use my editing skills to create fine art pieces, altering light/backgrounds etc.

But YOU, I do not touch.

Because I don't need to.

You are perfect just as you are.

This experience is all about helping you see that.. 


 A few weeks after your photo session we will schedule an online reveal appointment where you'll see all your beautiful portraits. Here we will choose your exhibition image

Remember - YOU have the final say in what image we use. 

You will also be given access to your own private online gallery from where you can download all the images from our session. You will also have an opportunity to purchase any products should you wish. However there is absolutely NO pressure to do this! I have some gorgeous albums and folio print boxes available and I am also introducing a stunning leather bound story-book which is a perfect and intimate way of preserving these images for you.


At the end of the project I will be hosting an exhibition of images of all the women participating. You will be invited to an official opening along with your chosen guests and you will take home your printed portrait when the exhibition closes!

This exhibition is an opportunity to add your voice to the growing conversation challenging the cruel and dangerous beauty standards that exist in our society.

 If you are feeling a little invisible right now, get in touch here and take the first steps back into the light. Let's show the world your true self.